Multipurpose Spaces

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There has been a shift from traditional workplaces with cubicles, fixed walls to open offices with an open floorplate and shared working environment. Today, it is no surprise for companies to hold a major team meeting in the middle of an open work area and later have a celebration in the same space. There lies […]

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The future of flexible spaces

The future of flexible spaces

With the changing dynamics of present times, corporates have been compelled to review their requirements for office space more prudently than ever before. Certain industries have embraced the idea of work from home more easily and for a longer term, while some return back to work in a staggered manner, which means a steady return […]

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Redefining The Workplace: Privacy & Collaboration

Redefining The Workplace: Privacy & Collaboration

Workplace design has witnessed a drastic transformation over the past decade. In the post pandemic situation, the focus is more on providing a work environment that is fluid and creates a balance without any regimental demarcations. In fact, design trends of 2021 portend towards making employees more comfortable and providing them with a work environment […]

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Retro Design Trends

Workplace – The term often connotes a place that is serene and designed minimally with clean lines, in order to facilitate unwavering focus. Well, times are changing, and so are the expectations from the workplace how it should look and feel like. Today, a large number of companies are willing to try out workplace designs […]

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Neighbourhood Spaces

Importance of Neighbourhood Spaces post COVID-19

The 1st quarter of 2020 brought about a radical shift in the way workplaces function, with close to 70% of the workforce switching to a Work-From-Home format almost overnight. While this led business owners to contemplate the need for office space, it also made everyone realise the importance of one-on-one interactions, and camaraderie, especially that […]

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Making Biophilia Work For You

Making Biophilia Work For You

Biophilia has been gaining popularity over the years and we have seen many organisations incorporating biophilic elements in their workspaces. Biophilic design is not just about plants and greenery, it is also the use of natural materials. It allows humans to not only be around nature, but use it to preserve physical, spiritual, and mental […]

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The New Workplace & Modular Architecture

With easily 70% of employees working from physical offices before the onset of COVID-19, to only the frontline workers reporting to their workplaces amidst the crisis, to finally at least a fourth of the workforce planning to return to work – the office has witnessed quite a radical shift since the beginning of 2020. While […]

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Flexibility – an important attribute of an innovative workplace.

Flexibility – an important attribute of an innovative workplace.

Technology is many things to many people. While often blamed for breakdown in inter- personal contact, it has the opposite impact in the work sphere. Not only has it broken down geographical barriers, it has allowed for better cohesion amongst a diverse stakeholder group. It has enabled a kind of flexibility and collaboration that has […]

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Cargotecture | Vestian

Sustainable construction, including reuse,refurbishment, as well as recycling of materials, is highly popular and currently, dominating the real estatesector, the world over. Recycled and reclaimed material are increasingly being used in architecture to create stunning and efficient spaces. One such term is Cargotecture, which is a portmanteau of cargo containers and architecture. This innovative form […]

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