Energy Modelling in Buildings: Driving Sustainability through Efficient Design

It is widely recognized that the built industry is responsible for 40% of global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. In response to this, there has been a significant drive to create sustainable properties, achieved through meticulous planning and reducing energy consumption. Energy modelling has emerged as a vital tool in designing and operating buildings with a […]

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Solar Energy: Growth Potential in the Indian Real Estate Sector

Harnessing the Power of the Sun: Transforming Real Estate with Solar Energy In the midst of depleting natural resources, solar energy has emerged as a shining star on the energy horizon. As the country grapples with the challenges posed by its reliance on coal, solar energy presents a promising solution to reduce dependence on non-renewable […]

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Building more sustainably – How construction has changed

Building more sustainably

The construction industry has witnessed a transformation over the years, driven by emerging technologies, changing regulations, and a growing emphasis on green construction practices. Today, the focus is on building sustainably and minimizing the environmental impact of the built environment. The industry has undergone significant changes to embrace these principles, resulting in more energy-efficient designs, […]

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