To build or to refurbish?

Net zero commitments have increased rapidly over the years as countries, cities and businesses have pledged to create a more sustainable future. As real estate and the built environment is responsible for more than 40% of global carbon emissions, the sector has a significant role to play in achieving the net zero targets. Decarbonizing has become […]

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Facilities Management Services Market – An Overview

It is forecasted that the FM market is to see rapid growth in the next five years, with the APAC region becoming the largest FM market in the world by 2025 driven by economic growth, commercial construction and a rising culture of services outsourcing. This being the case, firms have come to realize that partnering […]

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Tenant Improvement

Tenant improvement allowance is an important factor in lease negotiations. It is a type of agreement that states that the landlord will compensate the tenant for all or a portion of funds required to fit-out in the leased commercial space. When entering into a new lease agreement, both tenants and landlords need to be clear […]

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Ghost Kitchen and The Impact on Commercial Real Estate

After a hectic day at work, the last thing one would want to do is to cook. So you grab your laptop and order in. While you may think the food is being whipped up at a nearby eatery, it’s increasingly likely you’re ordering from a ‘ghost’ kitchen with no physical location. Ghost kitchen, also […]

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Concierge Services – Creating Better Workplace Experiences

  As the marketplace continues to be highly competitive, more and more attention is being paid to enhancing the workplace experience. Companies around the world are focused on creating a workplace that enables a culture of trust, boosts productivity and ultimately increases their business performance. Employers are cognizant of the fact that an effective work-life […]

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Smart Cities and CRE: Vestian Leads the Discussion

How will smart cities and smart buildings impact commercial real estate? Vestian brought together government and transit leaders, corporate real estate end users, top legal minds, and industry veterans with Smart Cities experts Melanie Nutter and Brenna Berman to discuss this exciting and evolving topic. Melanie opened the discussion by describing the potential environmental benefits of […]

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Why Intelligent Buildings Require ‘As A Service’ Model for Their BAS Management

An Intelligent Building works seamlessly across processes, platforms and systems to provide building users with the best possible outcomes for a great user experience. The basic elementof an intelligent building is Building Automation System(BAS), which comprises of HVAC, Lighting Controls, Fire and Safety, Power meters, alarms and faulty mechanism warning systems to list a few. […]

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3D mapping technology is a new vision and solution for the real estate industry. Imagine walking through the built environment to an unlimited level of detail, from visualizing the interiors with varying arrangements of furniture to changing the colors painted on the walls. This technology has the power to transform a design into a vivid […]

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Key Strategies To Consider During a Corporate Relocation

During a life cycle of a business, it may undergo multiple phases of expansion, consolidation, and contraction. The need for relocation can occur at any point of time; and can be stressful and a drain on resources if not handled properly. Here are few points to keep in mind before getting started: Proper Planning Relocation requires careful planning due to the significant impact […]

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Data Centre is a highly specialised facility, that houses mission-critical computer and networking equipment and is usually fitted with backup power supply, environmental controls and security systems. Demand for In-House Data Centres More and more businesses are collecting vast amounts of data, analyzing it, storing it, and eventually using it to improve operations, make accurate […]

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